Join our Shodo workshop and explore Japanese calligraphy using a thick brush and black ink. This compelling practice of self-expression explores the harmony of black and white. At the end of the class, you will create your own work of calligraphy with your chosen word such as 希望 (hope), 夢(dream) etc. and your own signature in Japanese. No Shodo or Japanese language experience is required.
Our calligraphy instructor Chie Yamayoshi started Shodo at the age of 6 and was awarded a master level before the age of 12. Since then she has been fascinated to find various secrets between black and white through Shodo. As an artist and as a teacher she finds great pleasure in sharing her knowledge with people fascinated about Japanese culture. If you want to try your hand at calligraphy or develop the ability to quietly concentrate, this meditative practice is for you.
The class will be in English.
Our menu for the Shodo class:
Menchi Katsu Sandwich / メンチカツサンド
Japanese potato salad / ポテトサラダ
Hijiki Seaweed salad / ひじきの煮物
Dessert: Sake & Soy bean jelly / 日本酒と豆乳ゼリー
The class starts with a light Japanese meal. After the dinner we set up the table for calligraphy and let you clear your mind to focus on your penmanship.
Class fee: 12 000 HUF (Non alcoholic drinks and teas included.)
Jelentkezés menete:
1. Olvasd el az óráinkkal kapcsolatos fontos tudnivalókat:
2. Töltsd ki a honlapunkon található jelentkezési lapot.
Jelentkezésed beérkezése után válaszemailben értesítünk a fizetéssel kapcsolatos részletekkel. Részvételi szándékodat akkor tudjuk véglegesíteni, amennyiben 2 munkanapon belül átutalod az óra árát a válaszemailben megadott számlaszámra. Vendéglistánk összeállításánál a fizetési sorrendet tekintjük elsődlegesnek, ha betelt egy óra, jelezzük!
If you don’t speak Hungarian and you have difficulties with our registration form, please contact us via email: